It cannot be denied that drug and alcohol addiction presents a number of health complications to those battling addiction. This includes liver and heart problems, gastrointestinal complications and changes in appearance related to weight, skin and hair health, to name a few. But what many people often forget is that addiction has a number of negative consequences on less anticipated areas of one’s life, including finances, work and social interactions.
Not to mention the impact addiction has on your mental health. When you’re struggling with substances, your mental health will take just as severe a hit as your physical wellness.
The impact of addiction
Addiction’s impact is far-reaching, but through the proper treatment, and with some healthy self-awareness, you will be able to recover from the negative consequences of addiction over time.
Professional implications
When a person suffers from substance dependence, it is likely that their professional life and career will be highly impacted. Addiction can make it extremely difficult to maintain focus or concentration, leading to missed deadlines and results below expectations.
Additionally, addiction takes up a lot of space in one’s mind and one’s daily routine, which may result in excessive tardiness, difficulty communicating and overall lower performance at work. This not only affects you and your ability to do your job, but it also affects the other people who work with you. The workplace is a prime example of how addiction actually impacts the lives of more than just the person struggling.
Social Effects
Addiction can lead to numerous social consequences. People with substance use disorders often undergo psychological and emotional changes that can lead to disagreements and aggression toward family members, friends and other loved ones. Those battling addiction will begin to phase themselves out of familial obligations, will stop reaching out to friends and may be more and more distant from their significant other. This is a direct result of the amount of time and energy maintaining an addiction takes.
This, in turn, can lead to ostracism, divorce or other situations that lead to isolation and lack of personal support. These can lead to further problems for one suffering from substance abuse. Many users find themselves lying, stealing and cheating others in order to get by and stay medicated, leading to moral and social impacts that can be hard to overcome.
Legal troubles
The use of illegal substances can lead to severe legal consequences. Some of these may include prison sentences, probation, an arrest record, huge fines and transportation issues — including but not limited to a suspended driver’s license. Additionally, many people with substance use disorders may find that they have to complete court-ordered community service hours.
Finding and using substances also may lead people to engage in behaviors they wouldn’t have previously considered, including stealing and lying in order to obtain substances. Additionally, anyone under the influence suffers from a lack of situational awareness that may result in engaging in risky behaviors, including trespassing and reckless driving, all of which may lead to significant legal ramifications.
Financial strains
There are numerous, often unconsidered financial struggles besides substantial fines that many people with substance use disorders must face. The high cost of illegal drugs, legal fees related to divorces or home repossessions, and the loss of income from being fired are just a few of the challenges that can occur as a result of addiction.
Not to mention the fact that drugs and alcohol cost a significant amount of money when they are continuously being purchased. The cost of satisfying the addiction usually outweighs the amount of income one has, leading to significant financial stress/complications.
Dangerous situations
There are many dangerous situations that substance use can lead to, including suicide, car accidents, pedestrian accidents, domestic violence and homicide. The combination of physical, mental and social changes that people with a substance use disorder undergo can lead to a myriad of unwanted life changes that may result in coming face to face with significant risk.
In addition, driving under the influence, promiscuity and risky sexual activity and simply finding yourself in dangerous neighborhoods, homes, etc. in order to obtain/use substances can all put a person’s health, and even life, at significant risk.
Recovering from the negative consequences of addiction
Recovering from addiction is a challenging undertaking, but its difficulties far outweigh the potential consequences addiction may have on your mental and physical health. Recovery will help you begin reversing the physical effects of addiction, in addition to helping you recover from the ways it negatively impacted your routine and day-to-day life.
To get in touch with a recovery center and begin your journey today, contact High Focus Centers to learn about our treatment programs.