Traumatic events can leave a negative lasting impression on individuals who experience or witness them, usually taking a significant toll on multiple (if not all) areas of their lives.
Though many stigmas around seeking professional help have been broken, some continue to be perpetuated, especially in environments where mental and physical resilience are glorified. Military trauma should always be acknowledged and taken seriously. The often extreme and distressing encounters military personnel can experience usually require some form of professional support in order to help them fully process what they went through.
Recognizing military trauma and understanding what trauma does to the brain can be vital and life-saving information for you or someone you love.
How does trauma affect the brain?
Science is still researching the different short- and long-term impacts of trauma on the brain, but there’s no denying the existence of the psychological impact. We don’t always recognize the symptoms of unhealed trauma when they begin manifesting in our lives, however. Despite this, the more these symptoms become exacerbated, the more we often unconsciously seek out various coping mechanisms in order to manage the symptoms.
This is why it’s essential to seek professional help after surviving a traumatic experience. While trauma can be treated at any stage, early intervention will restore brain health and effective coping mechanisms sooner.
Trauma doesn’t just change how our brain functions on a chemical level, it also changes our emotional network and neural pathways. This can result in an inability to regulate our emotions, which can then lead to uncontrollable bouts of anger, paranoia, obsessive behaviors and more.
One type of trauma that’s known to take a serious toll on the brain is military trauma.
Symptoms of trauma
The traumatic events military men and women experience during their service often get ignored or superficially treated in order for them to continue functioning and meet their expected duties.
Unfortunately, this often means these traumas are never fully addressed, and the result of this lack of healing is the manifestation of a variety of symptoms.
Some of the most common symptoms of unhealed trauma include:
- Developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or other mood disorders
- Suffering from moral injury (witnessing or engaging in action that goes against their personal morals, particularly within the context of military orders)
- Struggling to transition to civilian life
- Difficulty maintaining or deepening relationships
- Substance abuse or addiction
It’s important to remember that the above symptoms are just a few of the most common signs exhibited by military veterans.
Different people react to trauma in different ways, and depending on a variety of personal factors, the way their symptoms develop and progress will be unique to their circumstances.
Find a veteran program near you
While there is nothing wrong with enrolling in a standard recovery program, there are programs designed specifically for veterans that you might find more understanding and supportive than a standard program.
Veteran programs are treatment or recovery programs that have a strong understanding of military trauma and the symptoms and issues that result from it. While a standard program may not be equipped to fully support a veteran, a veteran program will have services and support already in place.
At High Focus Centers, we are proud to partner with the Veterans Affairs Community Care Network (VA-CCN) to provide veterans with timely and convenient access to healthcare. The VA-CCN is a network of facilities pre-approved to accept veteran benefits for various mental and behavioral healthcare services.
Speak with an advisor today
High Focus Centers specializes in providing outpatient mental health and substance use treatment to adults who are ready to take the first step toward mind and body healing.
We also offer specialized treatment to veterans struggling with substance use disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other mental and behavioral challenges.
You deserve to enjoy the freedoms you fought so hard to protect.
Send us a message or call us today to learn more about our veteran program.