
  • Man with psychologist theraphy

How Trauma-Informed Care Could Benefit Your Recovery

May 22, 2024|Treatment|

Trauma is a common phrase nowadays, with common words like “It’s the trauma” or “It was traumatic” being utilized in everyday conversation. But trauma goes much deeper than a moment that was out of the ordinary or alarming.  For those who have experienced a traumatic event or group of events, it can take years to recover and feel a sense of sanity. Trauma affects the brain in ways little else can and takes a lot of intentional treatment to address. Luckily, effective, trauma-informed treatment care exists and has made recovery possible for many. Where does trauma come from? “Trauma is when we experience very [...]

  • Horizontal shot of a road closed sign.

How Overcoming Roadblocks is Crucial to Recovery – And How Your Treatment Center Can Help

March 20, 2024|Treatment|

So often people who need addiction treatment choose to forgo getting the help they need. Sometimes this is because of taboos and stereotypes surrounding treatment; sometimes it is because they just don’t know where to go for help; other times it’s logistical, involving complications like money or transportation.  Regardless of the reason, treatment centers are prepared to help. With countless resources to help you overcome roadblocks to addiction recovery, sobriety may be more within your reach than you realize.  Common roadblocks to addiction recovery While not everyone will experience difficulties when beginning their journey toward recovery, some may find the [...]

The Top Benefits of Yoga for Those in Recovery

August 2, 2023|Treatment|

If you already practice yoga, you may have experienced some of the benefits it provides for your mental and physical health. If not, you’re in the right place to learn more about it. What many people don’t realize is yoga is far more than stretching and striking poses, it can actually be a powerful way to build physical strength, relieve stress and anxiety and improve your overall mental health and self-esteem. Today, we’re going to take a closer look at the top benefits of yoga for addiction recovery, as well as break down a few of the most common types [...]

  • Focus on blue eyes

Life After Treatment: EMDR Therapy

April 13, 2023|Treatment|

You know in the movies, when you’re watching a therapy session, and the patient is asked to follow the therapist’s finger with their eyes? You’ve just seen a version of EMDR therapy in action. This treatment helps people work through various traumas, mental health disorders and other emotionally intense or impactful experiences through a combination of psychotherapy and hypnotic eye movements.  We’re going to give you a quick overview of EMDR therapy, what it looks like and the benefits you receive. We’ll then walk you through what life after EMDR can look like. What is EMDR therapy? Eye Movement Desensitization [...]

  • A young man with problems at a one-on-one meeting with a female therapist. Belgrade, Serbia

Understanding EMDR Therapy

March 22, 2023|Treatment|

Have you ever noticed how you sometimes forget significant details about extreme, distressing or traumatic events?  Sometimes we can get “stuck” in overwhelmed by these experiences, and that can make it feel as if they’re happening over and over again, in the present.  Depending on the nature of the event(s), reliving them can lead to exacerbated symptoms of mental illness and other trauma-rooted disorders we might have developed. One of the ways we can begin to heal from these images, thoughts, emotions and memories is through EMDR therapy. In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at EMDR, [...]

  • Blue chromosome DNA and gradually glowing flicker light matter chemical when camera moving closeup. Medical and Heredity genetic health concept. Technology science. 3D illustration rendering

A Complete Guide to GeneSight Testing

January 8, 2023|Treatment|

According to research published by the National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics, 70 percent of all Americans are on medication. Marking the United States as one of the highest prescription-dependent countries in the world This alarming number has seen a significant rise over the last decade, with now more than 50 percent of all Americans taking at least two prescription medications simultaneously. While taking more than one medication at the same time isn’t in and of itself a bad thing, it can be dangerous if either the healthcare provider or the patient isn’t fully informed about the side effects. GeneSight Testing is generally [...]