Teen Mental Health

  • Risks of Untreated Psychiatric Disorders in Teens

The Effects of Untreated Mental Illness in Adolescence

May 2, 2017|Teen Mental Health|

Recent studies show the prevalence of mental health disorders in the lives of many teens – in 2021, severe major depression increased to 9.7 percent\; by the age of 18, 31.9. percent of teens will meet the criteria for an anxiety disorder, and approximately 9.8 percent of teens struggle with ADHD. As seen from the statistics, psychiatric disorders in teens are not rare; but what is less common than it should be is getting the medical attention they need. There is a long-standing belief that emotional episodes and fluctuating emotions are just a normal part of teen development. And while teenage [...]

  • Mental Health and High School Drop Out Rates Is There a Connection

Does High School Cause Mental Illness?

March 30, 2017|Teen Mental Health|

When you are dealing with the complications and side effects of a mental health disorder, focusing on anything else can be quite challenging. And if a certain situation is one of the primary causes of these mental health symptoms, facing that situation can feel overwhelming entirely. We're talking here about high school. While it is a notoriously difficult time of life, with complicated friendship dynamics to navigate, a larger amount of school work and more demands on your time with extracurriculars, it can be made even more difficult with the onset of a mental health disorder. For teens who struggle [...]

  • Bullying and Mental Abuse

The Effects of Bullying & Signs of Mental Abuse

February 22, 2017|Teen Mental Health|

No parent wants to face the truth that their child may be the victim of bullying. Unfortunately, however, it is a continued reality that many children and teens encounter on a daily basis. In fact, about 1-in-5 middle to high-school-aged kids have been bullied during the school year. Bullying is more than just an unfortunate situation – it is a problem that, when reoccurring, can cause difficult, severe and prolonged mental health struggles that children and teens end up dealing with for many years. As a parent, it is important to know the signs of bullying, what this form of [...]

  • Teens and Social Withdrawal

Teens and Social Withdrawal

January 9, 2017|Teen Mental Health|

Teens can be particularly vulnerable to the lure of substance abuse for a variety of reasons. The developing personality and feelings of insecurity can often drive these young people into unwholesome behaviors to try to fit into a social group. Becoming addicted to substances can then lead to self-isolating behavior that further alienates them from their peers. A further look shows how teens and social withdrawal can be an indicator of a number of problems that require professional treatment. Social Pressure and Substance Use The teenage years are a time when brain function and personality are not fully developed. Individuals [...]

  • early warning signs of mental illness in teens

Looking for Mental Illness Indicators in Your Teen

October 14, 2016|Teen Mental Health|

Mental illnesses do not discriminate — they affect anyone, of any age. They arise based on the environments in which we live, the people whom we surround ourselves with and the chemical composition of our brains. For this reason, we don't always have control over whether or not a mental illness develops, but we can act preventatively to slow its development and build up our mental health instead. Teen mental health As a parent, it's your job to take care of your child's health as best as you're able – mentally and physically. We're all pretty good at identifying warning [...]

  • adolescent emotional psyche

Understanding the Signs of Teen Emotional Instability

April 12, 2016|Teen Mental Health|

Teenage years are a critical time of social, psychological and biological development between childhood and young adulthood. With changes in hormones, physical appearance, friend groups and all the environmental transitions between elementary, junior high and senior high school, this period of life is an emotional time for young people. While mood swings can seem like a natural part of this process, it’s important to be aware of the deeper issues teenagers may be struggling with. Emotional development in adolescence According to one source, "Adolescence is a phase of the lifespan that begins around the onset of physical puberty and ends [...]

  • Female psychologist noting down while her patient is talking about her problems

What Kind of Mental Healthcare is Available For My Teen?

February 17, 2016|Teen Mental Health, Treatment|

If you've researched forms of mental healthcare programs on behalf of your teen, you've likely discovered many different options. Deciding which is the best, however, can feel overwhelming, if not confusing. How can you determine which care level is best for your teen? The good news is you don't have to decide on your own. The trained admissions staff will guide you and your teen toward the best program selection to promote the highest quality of mental health. Teen mental health treatment Treatment options for teens vary from less supervised outpatient options to intensive inpatient treatment. Knowing what each program [...]

  • depressed teen girl

Recognizing Depression Symptom Differences in Teen Boys and Girls

December 18, 2015|Teen Mental Health|

For teenagers, navigating the world can be difficult and confusing. Finding a sense of self, establishing a peer group and dealing with hormonal and bodily changes all contribute to ups and downs. Yet for teens dealing with depression, symptoms go beyond the usual struggles of teenage challenges. Understanding teenage depression Unfortunately, only one out of every five teenagers suffering from depression actually gets help due to their inability to recognize the symptoms, which is why parental involvement is key. Although boys and girls suffer from similar symptoms, there are notable differences. According to the Mayo Clinic, red flags for depression [...]

  • depressed teen girl

Identifying Signs of Depression & Anxiety in Your Teen

November 25, 2015|Family Support, Teen Mental Health|

A teen displaying behaviors and mannerisms that seem uncharacteristic or unhinged is sometimes assumed to be experiencing normal teenage behaviors. But there is a difference between teens going through a somewhat rebellious, angsty phase and instead battling with a mental health disorder. It is important during this time of change and transition in your teen's life to not overwhelm them with unneeded panic about a mental health condition. Instead, if you begin seeing signs that could indicate more than just teenage-related behaviors, it could be time to have a conversation with your teen. Teen anxiety and depression Depression and anxiety [...]