Teen Mental Health

  • Depressed teen visiting psychologist helping to cope with, problems awkward age

The Most Common Stigmas Surrounding Teens and Mental Health

May 31, 2023|Teen Mental Health|

Mental health issues do not discriminate, and they can affect men and women of all ages, races, social and financial statuses, educational backgrounds, income levels and more.  Teens are no exception, and up to 50 percent of teenagers develop some sort of mental health condition or disorder before they graduate high school. For many of them, these issues will continue to disrupt the individual’s life for years, lasting through their twenties and sometimes even into their thirties if left untreated. There are different factors that can impact a person’s mental health, and stigmas around mental health are among some [...]

  • During a group therapy session, a teenage boy gestures as he talks about something with the people in the group. An attentive female therapist facilitates the meeting.

The Most Important Teen Mental Health Statistics to Know

May 16, 2023|Teen Mental Health|

Have you noticed that teen mental health issues seem to be almost trending lately? People — adolescents and young adults primarily — are casually dropping phrases like “I’m so depressed”, “she’s so bipolar” or “he’s so OCD” frequently in conversations now. While the normalization of these topics is incredible progress, when it comes to supporting and uplifting the mental health community this particular method isn’t the most beneficial. A teen who makes claims of being depressed, when they’re actually just disappointed they failed a test, can invalidate a student with an actual mood disorder, and inadvertently convince them not to [...]

  • A young female graduate turns around as she poses for a portrait.  She is wearing a gown and cap and holding her diploma as she stands with her peers who have their backs to the camera.

Understanding Your Teen’s Graduation Stress

May 9, 2023|Teen Mental Health|

So your child is approaching young adulthood, about to graduate and move onto a new chapter in their lives. As the parent, you might be full of pride and hope for the future they’re creating, but your child might not be so confident or excited for the change. High school has changed significantly in recent decades, between the creation of the smartphone, the launch of social media, modern societal evolutions and more. Some struggles are timeless (such as bullying, and pubescent changes), while others (such as those that have come with the rise of technology) we are still learning the [...]

  • Masked man teenager expressing different emotions

Top Telling Signs of Bipolar Disorder in Teenagers

January 18, 2023|Teen Mental Health|

Bipolar disorder often gets dismissed in teens due to the common tendency to write off teens' extreme or apathetic behaviors as simply the result of hormones. While that is sometimes the case, other times it goes much deeper. In this article, we’re going to discuss the most common signs of bipolar disorder that parents should be aware of in case their teen begins exhibiting symptoms, as this is a disorder that typically requires professional help to manage and relieve. Main types of bipolar disorder Bipolar disorder is a type of depression that is characterized by an individual who experiences [...]

  • Father and son in public park

Set Your Child Up for Success in Mental Health Treatment and in Life

October 21, 2021|Teen Mental Health, Treatment|

Your kid’s life is one big balancing act. Your child is trying to keep up with the demands of school, find personal passions, manage parental expectations, mature in peer relationships and face the challenge of developing an individual identity.   Growing up is hard whichever way you slice it, and for kids who struggle with mental health disorders, there’s even more to balance. If your child is currently undergoing mental health treatment, it can feel extremely overwhelming for you and your whole family.    In this article we’ll look at some ways to help your child thrive in all [...]

The Parent’s Guide to Teenage Anxiety

August 10, 2021|Family Support, Teen Mental Health|

Teenagers experience major changes throughout adolescence. From applying to college to forming and losing relationships to hormonal and physical changes, it’s no surprise that some teenagers feel anxiety during this period of their lives. If you think your teenager is struggling with anxiety, read on to recognize the symptoms and identify options for treatment. Recognize anxiety symptoms in teens Anxiety comes in many shapes and sizes, which can make it harder to recognize when combined with the normal daily challenges of being a teenager. Symptoms of a generalized anxiety disorder include: Excessive worry, in a manner disproportionate to the event [...]

  • A teen struggles with her online classes while learning from home during the COVID-19 pandemic

The Effects of Online Learning on a Teen’s Mental Health

November 20, 2020|Teen Mental Health|

COVID-19 has rapidly and dramatically altered our lives. Unfortunately, teenagers and young adults are among those who may be most impacted as a result of the virus. In the spring and summer months of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic drove many schools to cancel in-person classes and graduation ceremonies. Now, as we enter fall, many schools and colleges continue to rely on virtual learning to keep students and teachers safe. While the safety of students and teachers is of the utmost importance, online learning can have an impact on the mental health of teens. We explain how online learning impacts teen [...]

  • Anxious Teenage Student Sitting Examination In School Hall

Understanding School-Related Anxiety in Teens

October 22, 2018|Teen Mental Health|

Being a teenager can be difficult in today’s world. Adding in the challenges of school makes it even harder. Many teens experience anxiety during this time as they face challenges with friends, romantic relationships, school assignments and extracurricular activities. These feelings of anxiety are entirely normal and understandable. However, what if your child always seems to have fearful feelings about school no matter how much reassurance you give or time passes? What if sure signs begin presenting themselves, like declining grades or trouble making friends? If these signs are persistent and noticeable, it may indicate that your child is [...]

  • Mental Health Therapy for Teens: What to Expect

What is Receiving Teen Mental Health Treatment

May 8, 2017|Teen Mental Health|

For teens, struggling with a mental health condition can feel confusing, overwhelming and downright uncomfortable at times. Going through teenage years is challenging enough, but the additional hardship of battling a mental health disorder at the same time can be immensely difficult for any teen. Thankfully, teen therapy and mental health treatment options are available – your teen will receive proper counseling and learn the tools necessary to cope with the stresses and anxieties they face. Teen mental health treatment Teens are vulnerable to mental health disorders like adults, including anxiety, depression, ADHD and bipolar disorder. The good news about [...]